If you are interested in having your 3 or 4 yr. old attend St. Teresa of Calcutta Preschool, please contact:

  • Calmar - Angie McIntyre in Calmar at (563) 562-1018 or email amcintyre@st-teresa.pvt.k12.ia.us
  • Ossian - Michelle Brincks in Ossian at (563) 532-9353 or email mbrincks@st-teresa.pvt.k12.ia.us, for information on openings.

Enrollment Process

Thank you for your interest in St. Teresa of Calcutta Preschool! We encourage parents to schedule a time to bring your child for a visit, tour our facility, and meet our teachers and staff. To enroll your child at St. Teresa of Calcutta Preschool, you will need to submit your registration form and payment to the school. Click here to access form.


We begin accepting registration for the upcoming school year in February. For the 2023-2024 school year. You can complete and print our registration here Registration Form. Forms must be turned in to St. Teresa of Calcutta School.


Tuition for the 4-year-old program is $190/month (4 days a week) in Ossian and $145/month (3 days a week) in Calmar.

Tuition for the 3-year-old class is $380/month (4 days a week) in Ossian and $190/month (2 days a week) in Calmar.

Kids showing off their cookie creations