School Board Members
* = Second term
Walter Witt
President - Ossian
- 201 N. West St Ossian, IA 52161
- Term Expires: 2025*
Nikki Brodbeck
Vice President - Spillville
- PO Box 147, Calmar, IA 52132
- Term Expires: 2025*
Angie Einck
Secretary - Festina
- 2356 Festina Road Fort Atkinson, IA 52144
- Term Expires: 2026*
Alicia Baumler
- 2730 195th St. Calmar, IA 52132
- Term Expires: 2026
Darcy Einck
- 1016 231st Ave Fort Atkinson, IA 52144
- Term Expires: 2027
Regan Becker
- 1227 Co Rd W42 Ossian, IA 52161
- Term Expires: 2027
Jenny Schrandt
- 2116 Co Rd W14 Ridgeway, IA 52165
- Term Expires: 2027
Staci Kuboushek
- 2575 195th St. Calmar, IA 52132
- Term Expires: 2026
School Board Minutes
St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board Meeting
Meeting took place at the St. Aloysius church basement.
Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Next Meeting Date: October 17, 2023 Next Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Next meeting location: St Aloysius church basement.
Members Present
Alicia Baumler X Nicole Brodbeck X Angie Einck X Kristi Holthaus X Rev. Henry Huber
Staci Kuboushek X Dalton Smith X Ashley Welch X Walter Witt X
Representatives present: Kristin Kriener, Jenni Busarow
Guests present: Allanda Gehling, Kelly Elsbernd, Erika Schmitt
The regular meeting of the St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 7:01 PM.
Opening Prayer:
- Special Guests: Alland Gehling & Kelly Elsbernd
- 2023 Golf Tournament brought in $12,000 which was $1,000 more than last year.
- Would like funds to put towards teacher/student needs in the
classroom, field trips, etc.
- CCC Advisory Update
- Erika Schmitt
- Consent Agenda
- August Minutes
- School Nutrition Programs – Code of Conduct Requirement
- Policies 4000-6000
- **Addition Amendment**
- Procurement Policy
➢ Motion to approve Consent Agenda by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Angie Einck. Carried by unanimous consent.
- Financial Updates
- Year to Date financial report
- Savings Account Summary Sheet
➢ Motion to Approve Financial Report by Dalton Smith, 2nd by Ashley Welch. Carried by unanimous consent.
- Principal updates.
- Old Business
- Approval of Child Care Budget
- Fundraising Events
- Keep carnival games in the spring instead of on the soup supper night. Maybe have cake walk/bingo at soup supper.
- Possibly move carnival to Spillville Inwood and have a “Duck Race” down the Turkey River and end at the Inwood for a fundraiser.
Dalton & Jenni will look into that.
➢ Motion to approve Child Care Budget by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Krisit Holthaus. Carried by unanimous consent.
- New Business
- Establish Finance Committee
- Goal of 1 from every parish. Plan on meeting roughly 4 times a year, late fall through the winter.
- **Amendment**CCC - PTO for Part-time Staff
- For Regular Part-Time employees working over 25 hours per week, PTO will be prorated based off full time benefit status. Part-Time employee will be allowed to carry over half PTO hours into next
➢ Motion to approve the CCC – PTO for Part-Time Staff by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Angie Einck. Carried by unanimous consent.
- Increase of $1.30 for support staff wage.
➢ Motions to approve wage increase of $1.30 for support staff by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Kristi Holthaus. Carried by unanimous consent.
- Communication needed to stakeholders.
- Next meeting topics
- Financial Committee
- Duck Race Information
➢ Motion to Adjourn by Angie Einck , 2nd by Ashley Welch. Motion carried by unanimous consent, at 8:23 PM.
Closing Prayer – All – Our Father
St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board Meeting
Meeting took place at the St. Aloysius church basement.
Meeting Date: November 21, 2023 Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Next Meeting Date: December 15, 2023 Next Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Next meeting location: St Aloysius church basement.
Members Present
Alicia Baumler
Nicole Brodbeck X Angie Einck X
Kristi Holthaus X Rev. Henry Huber X
Staci Kuboushek X Dalton Smith X Ashley Welch X Walter Witt X
Representatives present: Kristen Kriener, Jenni Busarow
Guests present: Erika Schmitt
The regular meeting of the St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 7:00 PM.
Opening Prayer:
- Special Guests: Banquet Committee
- Concerns on time and date with auction
- CCC Advisory Update
- Erika Schmitt
- Advisory Meeting Notes
- Update profit loss and Enrollment projection
- Consent Agenda
- October Minutes
- Financial Report
- School
- Hot Lunch
- Hire of Allie Hotvedt for Child Care Center
Hire of Rebekah Pedlar for Child Care Cener
➢ Motion to approve Consent Agenda by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Principal Updates
- Report prepared by Kristen & Jenni in packet.
- Old Business
- Finance Committee: Katie Moellers, Dan Kuboushek, Terra Kuennen 1. Calmar – Still needing representation.
- Fundraising
- Soup Supper
- Discussion on location. Possibly Festina pending hall
- Banquet
- Recommendation to start auction viewing March 16th with
hors d’oeuvres. Online bidding throughout the week.
Bidding closing Friday 21st. Auction pick-up Saturday with
possibility of breakfast at Festina.
➢ Motion by Kristi Holthaus and 2nd by Angie Einck to host hybrid banquet and online auction to be held in the spring. Dates to be determined as the committee chairs seem fit. Aye: Brodbeck, Einck, Holthaus, Kuboushek, Smith, Welch. Nay: Witt. Motion carried.
- End of Year fundraiser –
- To be tabled for further meetings. Still come with ideas.
- Review Accounts
- Money Market
➢ Motion to close savings account at Fidelity Bank and move to an interest generating savings account at LSB by Angie Einck, second by Ashley Welch. All in Favor. Motion carried.
- CD – Table CD till next month.
- Marketing – Communication
- Facebook – Updates / Questions
- Instagram – Updates / Questions
- Website – Updates / Concerns
- Salary Scale
- Support Staff -
- New Business
- Health Benefits
- Do we need to make any adjustments with the increase?
- Stipend for Luther college professors
- $2,800 stipend for each instructor
- Mileage per instructor
- Do we want to consider a donation to the Luther Music
- Collecting a donation at the door?
- Group discussion all in favor.
➢ Motion to approve stipend plus mileage reimbursement for Luther instructors by Angie Einck, second by Kristi Holthaus. All in favor. Motion carried.
- Enrollment projections
- What are the trends?
- How can we increase enrollment?
- Staffing
- With EANS funding coming to an end, what positions do we want to maintain?
- Portrait of a graduate
- Additions or corrections?
- Communication needed to stakeholders.
- Jenni Busarow read her letter of resignation as Lead Teach.
- Next meeting topics
- All tabled items
- Health Benefits
- Fundraising/Donation for Boys Bathroom Remodel
- Bibles for Students
- Adjournment
➢ Motion to Adjourn by Kristi Holthaus, second by Nikki Brodbeck. All in favor. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 9:05PM.
Closing Prayer – All – Our Father
St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board Meeting
Meeting took place at the St. Aloysius church basement.
Meeting Date: December 19, 2023 Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Next Meeting Date: January 16, 2023 Next Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Next meeting location: St Aloysius church basement.
Members Present
Alicia Baumler X Nicole Brodbeck Angie Einck X
Kristi Holthaus
Rev. Henry Huber X
Staci Kuboushek X Dalton Smith X Ashley Welch X Walter Witt X
Representatives present: Kristin Kriener, Jenni Busarow
Guests present:
The regular meeting of the St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 7:00 PM.
Opening Prayer:
- Consent Agenda
- November Minutes
- Resignation of Louisa Tindall, Childcare Center.
➢ Motion to approve Consent Agenda by Ashley Welch, 2nd by Father Huber. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Financial Reports
- School
- Childcare Center
➢ Motion to approve Financial Reports by Angie Einck, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. None opposed. Motion approved.
- Director Updates
- Principal Updates
- Report prepared by Kristin & Jenni in packet.
- Old Business
- End of Year Fundraiser – Readress this fall for next year do to other fundraisers.
- Donation for boys bathroom remodel -
- Bibles for students – Kristin will look into bible options and prices. D. CD –
➢ Motion to approve moving 100k from money market to 6 month CD by Staci Kuboushek. 2nd by Dalton Smith. All in favor. None opposed. Motion approved.
- Banquet Auction to be March 15 through the 23. Banquet kick off on 16th. Auction closing on the 23rd.
- New Business
- Review differences in our school’s teacher matric and local public school B. Review differences in our school’s contracted staff benefits and the best pro practice suggestions for contracted staff benefits.
- Review differences in our school’s contracted staff benefits and the local public school – (Tabled for comparison)
- Review differences in each non contracted staff benefit and job-alike wage ranges for surrounding areas – (Tabled for comparison)
- Review differences in our school’s non-contracted staff benefits and job alike benefits for surrounding areas – (Tabled for comparison)
- Review the administrator salary guidance and the local administrator’s contract – (Tabled)
- Create a phase-in plan that works within the broader school budget to meet or exceed minimum targets listed – 2 year phase in plan
- Communication needed to stakeholders.
- Minutes to Denise for bulletin
- Next meeting topics
- Step 6 Continuation
- Step 7
- Step 8
- Salary Scale for Support Staff
- Adjournment
➢ Motion to Adjourn by Angie Einck, second by Ashley Welch. All in favor. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:09PM.
Closing Prayer – All – Our Father
St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board Meeting
Meeting took place at the St. Aloysius church basement.
Meeting Date: January 16, 2024 Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Next Meeting Date: February 20, 2024 Next Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Next meeting location: St Aloysius church basement.
Members Present
Alicia Baumler X Nicole Brodbeck X Angie Einck X Kristi Holthaus X Rev. Henry Huber
Staci Kuboushek X Dalton Smith X Ashley Welch X Walter Witt X
Representatives present: Kristin Kriener, Jenni Busarow
Guests present: Deb Schmelzer, Roger Shatek
The regular meeting of the St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 7:00 PM.
Opening Prayer:
- Consent Agenda
- December Minutes
- Staff Reduction Motion for 24-25 Certified Staff
“Per Archdiocesan Policy #4111.22, the St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board requests the administration to conduct a review of staffing needs for the 2024- 2025 school year. If necessary, as per policy, staff reduction recommendations must be made no later than the regular March board meeting.”
- December Financial Reports
➢ Motion to approve Consent Agenda by Angie Einck, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Director Updates
Update given by Deb Schmelzer
- Principal Updates
- Report prepared by Kristin & Jenni in packet.
- Old Business
- Review Budget
- New Business
- Base teacher salary (Goal 100% local public school.)
- Steps and lanes compared to the public school.
- Support staff offered competitive salaries.
- Benefits
- Meals for conferences
- Kristi lining up and sending out list.
➢ Motion to adopt SW Base salary scale plus flat dollar based on years of experience by Walley Witt, 2nd by Alicia Baumler. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
➢ Motion to proceed with support staff raises to be cost of living not to exceed 4% by Walley Witt, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
➢ Motion to approve base support staff wage by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Kristin Holthaus. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
➢ Motion to approve changes to full-time and part-time benefits by Walley Witt, 2nd by Dalton Smith. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
- Communication needed to stakeholders.
- Celebration of promise March 16th Auction viewing with door prizes. Online auction 17th through 22nd. Breakfast Saturday 23rd for auction pickup.
- Next meeting topics
- Budget Approval
- Brought up by Roger Shatek:
*Preventative maintenance on buildings? Is it up to school or parish. Should be on custodial list, not just on one person to do.
- Adjournment
➢ Motion to Adjourn by Ashley Welch, second by Nikki Brodbeck. All in favor. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 9:40PM.
Closing Prayer – All – Our Father
St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board Meeting
Meeting took place at the St. Aloysius church basement.
Meeting Date: February 20, 2024 Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Next Meeting Date: March 19, 2024 Next Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Next meeting location: St Aloysius church basement.
Members Present
Alicia Baumler X Nicole Brodbeck X Angie Einck
Kristi Holthaus
Rev. Henry Huber X
Staci Kuboushek X Dalton Smith X Ashley Welch X Walter Witt X
Representatives present: Kristin Kriener, Ericka Schmitt, Sarah Brincks Guests present: Roger Shatek, Bernard Puffer, Thiet Hoang
The regular meeting the St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 7:00 PM.
Opening Prayer:
- Consent Agenda
- Resignations
- Jenni Busaro, Lead Teacher
- Kasey Ruff, Social-emotional Instructor
- Nicole Langreck, Middle School
Motion to approve Consent Agenda by Nicole Brodbeck, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- January Minutes.
- Amendments
➢ Motion made by Walter Witt to amend the January 2024 minutes regarding the adaption of the SW base salary scale to be changed to an 8% raise based on the existing St. Teressa of Calcutta pay scale, 2nd by Dalton Smith. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
➢ Motion to approve amended January minutes. Alicia Baumler, 2nd by Staci Kuboushek. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Child Care Center
- Financial Report
- Advisory Board Report
- Financial Reports
- School
- Hot Lunch
- Savings Summary
➢ Motion to approve the financial reports made by Nicole Brodbeck, 2nd by Alicia Baumler. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
- Principal Report
- Report prepared by Kristin & Jenni in packet.
- Old Business
- Tuition Rates
- K-8 tuition Rate – $5,732.50
- Pre-School
- Calmar 3 y/o - $190
- Calmar 4 y/o - $145
- Ossian 3 y/o - $380
- Ossian 4 y/o - $190
➢ Motion to approve tuition rates by Alicia Baumler, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
- Summer School hourly wage for certified teachers.
- Salaries – Certified Staff
- Substitute teacher salary $160
- Summer school hourly wage for certified teachers Hourly Wage $30 for hourly certified teachers.
➢ Propose Substitute teacher salary increase to $160 and $30 for hourly certified teachers for summer school Walter Witt, 2nd by Nicole Brodbeck. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
- Benefits
- How many years of experience can a new employee bring in? 1. South Winn allows 10 years of experience? (Step 11)
➢ Motion to approve allowing 10 years of experience to be brought by Walter Witt, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
- New Business
- Staffing Recommendations
- Child care center – PT assistant teacher
- MS social studies & religion teacher
- FTE Custodian
- .4 Social Work
- Music Teacher
- Where to advertise?
- Iowa Works
- Social Media
- Website
- Others?
➢ Motion to approve advertising for staffing needs by Nicole Brodbeck, 2nd by Alicia Baumler. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
- Administrative Salary
- Discuss in the absence of the principal
➢ Motion to approve the 24-25 budget by Walter Witt, 2nd by Alicia Baumler. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
- Preventative Maintenance on our buildings
- Roger and Bernard report on age of equipment and weekly/monthly work check list to be used.
- Stop sign not being removed from the street on a daily basis. Stop light also running all the time when there is not school.
- Sweeping of the floor gym not being done on a daily basis.
- Entrance not being salted on icy mornings.
10.Communication needed to stakeholders.
- Signature from Father for Safe environment training.
11.Next meeting topics
- Staff Handbook
- Parent/Guardian Handbook
- Hot Lunch Budget
- CCC Budget
➢ Motion to Adjourn by Ashley Welch, second by Alicia Baumler. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:06PM.
Closing Prayer – All – Our Father
St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board Meeting
Meeting took place at the St. Aloysius church basement.
Meeting Date: March 19, 2024 Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Next Meeting Date: April 16, 2024 Next Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Next meeting location: St Aloysius church basement.
Members Present
Alicia Baumler X Nicole Brodbeck Angie Einck X Kristi Holthaus X Rev. Henry Huber
Staci Kuboushek X Dalton Smith X Ashley Welch X Walter Witt X
Representatives present: Kristin Kriener, Jenny Busarow, Deb Schmelzer Guests present: Robin Timp
The regular meeting the St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 7:00 PM.
Opening Prayer:
- Consent Agenda
- February Minutes
- Financial Report
- School
- Hot Lunch
- Child Care Center
- School Calendar
- Resignations
- Marie Monroe, Art
- Heidi Snell-Anderson, Interventionalist
- New Hire
- Lynn Franzen, Middle School
➢ Motion to approve Consent Agenda by Dalton Smith, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Child Care Center
- Report given by Deb Schmelzer.
- Reinstate enrollment fee for new families. $150?
- Principal Report
- Report prepared by Kristin & Jenni in packet.
- Old Business
- Custodial Duties
- Lists provided for the school and kitchen at the Spillville location.
- Winter FAST Results
- Given by Jenny Busarow
- Verify Staff benefits document
- New Business
- Remove pavers outside the Ossian Building and replace with a cement pad.
- Mark Bohr Quote: $540
- Add Brittany Theismann to bank accounts
- Ability to reconcile bank statements
- Fidelity Bank
- Luana Savings Bank
➢ Motion to approve Brittany Theismann to be added to the bank accounts for the ability to reconcile accounts by Kristi Holthaus, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
- Motion to Approve:
- “The St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board approves the addition of a Transitional Kindergarten program if staffing permits.” – Tabled. 2. “The St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board approves all contracts as presented not to exceed a total full-time equivalency of 22.”
➢ Motion to approve all St. Teresa of Calcutta contracts as presented. Not to exceed a total full-time staff equivalency of 22 by to Ashley Welch, 2nd by Kristi Holthaus. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
- Review Schol Board Elections
- CCC Enrollment fee
➢ Motion to reinstate enrollment fee of $150 for the Child Care Center by Angie Einck, 2nd by Staci Kuboushek. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion Caried.
- Communication needed to stakeholders.
- Next meeting topics
- Employee Handbook - School
- Child Care Budget
- Hot Lunch Budget
- Banquet of Promise recap
- Adjournment
➢ Motion to Adjourn by Angie Einck, second by Alicia Baumer. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:50PM.
Closing Prayer – All – Our Father
St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board Meeting
Meeting took place at the St. Aloysius church basement.
Meeting Date: May 21, 2024 Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Next Meeting Date: June 18, 2024 Next Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Next meeting location: St Aloysius church basement.
Members Present
Alicia Baumler X
Nicole Brodbeck X
Angie Einck
Kristi Holthaus
Rev. Henry Huber X
Representatives present: Kristin Kriener Guests present:
Staci Kuboushek X Dalton Smith X Ashley Welch X Walter Witt X
The regular meeting the St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 7:10 PM.
Opening Prayer:
- Guest Speaker: Steve Kane, Student Tuition Organization (STO) A. Postponed due to weather.
- Child Care Center Updates
- Report given by Kristin –
- Fundraising going good.
- Working on kitchen updates.
- New Appliances in Ossian and Calmar.
- Changing rates on infants, 1 y/o’s and 2y/o’s
- Booster Groups
- Proposal put together by Heather Brittany given by Kristin
- Condense 5 groups down to 2 groups for less confusion and easier on Chairs
➢ Motion to propose the 2 booster groups to be rotated every 4 years by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried. ➢ Motion to removal wording of $50 buy-out option for fundraising workers by Nikki Brodbec, 2nd by Dalton Smith. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Consent Agenda
- April Minutes
- New Hire
- Grace Thompson (Calmar Summer Program)
- Vicky Harris (Middle School)
➢ Motion to approve Consent Agenda by Dalton Smith, 2nd by Staci Kuboushek. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried
- Financial Report
- School
- Hot Lunch
- Child Care Center
- Savings Summary
- Fundraising Summary
- Principal Report
- Report prepared by Kristin & Jenni in packet.
- Old Business
- Employee Handbook
- Donating personal or sick days
- Revisit benefits for year round employees
➢ Motion to approve Employee handbook also adding a 6th paid holiday (4th of July) for year-round full-time employee by Ashley Welch. 2nd by Staci Kuboushek. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- New Business
- Time Management System
- Employee Time keeping for both locations.
➢ Motion to approve Time Management System by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Budgets
- School
➢ Motion to approve pay scale of $40,000 base pay with $400 increment increase by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
➢ Motion to approve St. Teresa 2024-2025 school budget by Ashley Welc, 2nd by Dalton Smith. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Hot Lunch
➢ Motion to approve St. Teresa 2024-2025 Hot Lunch Budget by Walter Witt, 2nd by Dalton Smith. All in favor. None opposed. Motion Carried.
- Child Care Center
➢ Motion to approve Child Care Center 2024-2025 budget by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. None opposed. Motion Carried.
- Summer Projects
- Kindergarten Classroom Makeover – Ossian
- Boys Bathroom – Ossian
- Cross – Ossian
- Tree Removal – Ossian playground
- Boys Bathroom – Spillville (Parish)
Motion to approve summer projects made by Ashley Welch, 2nd by Dalton Smith. All in favor. None opposed. Motion Carried.
- Executive Session
Motion to enter closed session by Alicia Baumler, 2nd by Dalton Smith at 8:28pm. Motion to leave closed session by Ashley Welch, 2nd by Nikki Brodbeck at 8:37pm.
10.Communication needed to stakeholders.
11.Next meeting topics
➢ Motion to Adjourn by Alicia Baumler, 2nd by Dalton Smith. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:38 PM.
Closing Prayer – All – Our Father
St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board Meeting
Meeting took place at the St. Aloysius church basement.
Meeting Date: June 18, 2024 Meeting Time: 7:00 PM Next Meeting Date: August 20, 2024 Next Meeting Time: 7:00 PM
Next meeting location: St Aloysius church basement.
Members Present
Alicia Baumler Nicole Brodbeck X Regan Becker X Angie Einck X Darcy Einck X Kristi Holthaus
Rev. Henry Huber Staci Kuboushek X Jenny Schrandt X Dalton Smith X Ashley Welch X Walter Witt X
Representatives present: Kristin Kriener, Jenni Busarow
Guests present: Steve Kane, Holly Witt, Emily Gade
The regular meeting the St. Teresa of Calcutta School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 6:59 PM.
Opening Prayer
- Welcome new Board Members
- Jenny Schrandt – Spillville
- Regan Becker – Ossian
- Darcy Einck – Festina
- CCC Update –
- Committee minutes sent in packet.
- Come to waffle breakfast.
- Guest Speaker: Steve Kane, Student Tuition Organization (STO)
- Consent Agenda
- May Minutes
- Milk Bid
- Bread Bid
➢ Motion to approve Consent Agenda by Angie Einck, 2nd by Nikki Brodbeck. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Principal Report
- Report prepared by Kristin & Jenni in packet.
- Financial Report
- School
- Hot Lunch
- Child Care Center
- Savings Summary
- 3-Year Budget
➢ Motion to approve financial reports by Dalton Smith, 2nd by Nikki Brodbeck. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Old Business
- Parent/Student Handbook
➢ Motion To approve by Regan Becker, 2ndy by Nikki Brodbeck. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- New Business
- Scrip
- Holly gave report on how scrip has been going. ($26,000 this year) 2. New Scrip Coordinator, Emily Gade.
➢ Motion to approve the addition of Emily Gade as a co-signer on the scrip accounts and remove Jody Wenthold, while keeping Holly Witt still on the accounts by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Board e-mail address and shared drive
- Will start to utilize in August.
- Bibles for students.
- Would like bibles for grades 4-8.
- All to be the same.
➢ Motion to approve a one-time Bible fee to the tuition registration for grades 4-8 by Angie Einck, 2nd by Staci Kuboushek. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Fencl Oil – LP Contract.
➢ Motion to approve $1.46/gallon LP contract with Fencl Oil for the Spillville location by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Regan Becker. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- Laura Eckstein – New classroom Teacher
➢ Motion to approve hire of Laura Eckstein by Ashley Welch, 2nd by Darcy Einck. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
- 2024-2025 School Board Leadership Elections
- Nomination to keep Walter Witt as President of St. Teresa of Calcutta School board by Angie Einck, 2nd by Staci Kuboushek. All in favor.
- Nomination to keep Nikki Brodbeck for Vice President of St. Teresa of Calcutta School board by Walter Witt, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. C. Nomination of Angie Einck for Board Secretary of St. Teresa of Calcutta School board by Angie Einck, 2nd by Darcy Einck. All in favor.
11.Communication needed to stakeholders.
- Farewell to Dalton Smith, Kristi Holthaus, Ashley Welch, Jenni Busarow
12.Next meeting topics
- 2024-2025 School Board Leadership Elections
- (Moved to current meeting due to needing a new secretary)
- Wally & Father to sign contracts
➢ Motion to Adjourn by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Ashley Welch. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:24 PM.
Closing Prayer – All – Our Father
Meeting Minutes
Date: 7/10/2024
Time: emailed at 5:16pm
Location: virtual
Attendees: Father Huber, Wally Witt, Regan Becker, Nikki Brodbeck, Darcy Einck, Angie Einck, Staci Kuboushek
1. Approval of Consent Agenda
Purpose: Formally acknowledging Karen Smith's resignation as part of the meeting minutes.
Motion: I move to approve the consent agenda, which includes the acceptance of the resignation of Karen Smith.
- Motion made by: Regan Becker
- Seconded by: Nikki Brodbeck
- All in Favor: 7 aye
2. Closure of Golf Tournament Checking Account
Purpose: To streamline financial operations by closing the existing golf tournament checking account and managing all related income and expenses through the school's main account.
Motion: I move to close the golf tournament checking account and to run all income and expenses through the school account and transfer the remaining balance to the school checking account.
- Motion made by: Regan Becker
- Seconded by: Nikki Brodbeck
- All in Favor: 7 aye
3. Approval of Marco Contract
Purpose: To approve the contract with Marco to facilitate the agreed services and terms, as well as save the school money entering into a new contract.
Motion: I move to approve the contract with Marco.
- Motion made by: Regan Becker
- Seconded by: Nikki Brodbeck
- All in Favor: 7 aye
4. Approval of PowerSchool Messenger
Purpose: To approve the adoption and implementation of PowerSchool Messenger for enhanced communication within the school community since SwiftK12 is going out of business.
Motion: I move to approve the adoption and implementation of PowerSchool Messenger.
- Motion made by: Regan Becker
- Seconded by: Nikki Brodbeck
- All in Favor: 7 aye
5. Update Authorized Signatories on Accounts
Purpose: To update the authorized signatories on all school accounts by removing Jenni Busarow and adding Father Huber, Kristin Kriener, and Heather Bullerman.
Motion: I move to remove Jenni Busarow from all accounts and to add Father Huber, Kristin Kriener, and Heather Bullerman to the signature cards.
- Motion made by: Regan Becker
- Seconded by: Nikki Brodbeck
- All in Favor: 7 aye
Adjournment: July 11, 2024 1:00pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 7:00pm St. Al’s church basement
Minutes submitted by: Kristin Kriener, Principal
Meeting Minutes
Date: 8/20/2024
Time: emailed at 7:00pm
Attendees: Father Huber, Wally Witt, Nikki Brodbeck, Alicia Baumler, Darcy Einck, Angie Einck, Staci Kuboushek
Representatives Present: Kristin Kriener, Deb Schmelzer
The regular meeting of the St. Teresa of Calcutt School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 7:00PM.
Opening Prayer
1. CCC Update
A. Report given by Deb Schmelzer
1. Enrollment Update
2. Tuition increase effective August 1
3. Fundraising
4. Kitchen project update
B. Review Financial Repot
2. Consent Agenda
A. June Minutes
B. July Minutes
C. Hire of Ashley Moon, PS Full-Time Paraprofessional
Motion to approve Consent Agenda by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Darcy Einck. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
3. Financial Reports
A. School Financial Report
B. Hot Lunch Financial Report
C. Savings Summary
D. Explanation of Report
4. Principal Updates
A. Staffing
B. Enrollment
D. STO - 2nd Round Complete
E. Local Tuition Assistance - applications being accepted
5. Old Business
6. New Business
A. Corporate Meeting
B. Board Expectations
C. Review 7000-9000 Series of the Archdiocesan Policy Manual
Motion to approve 7000-9000 series of the Archdiocesan Policy Manual by Alicia Baumler, 2nd Nikki Brodbeck. All in favor. None
D. Leadership Team Goals for STC
1. Kristin shared Needs Assessment Goal Planning 2024-2025, the benchmarks and the improvement plan.
E. Board of Education Goals (3-5 years)
1. PS
2. Staffing
3. Building Improvements
1. Be fiscally responsible (4 buildings)
4. Financially
1. Lower subsidy to below 40% of parish budget
7. Communication needed to stakeholders
8. Next meeting topics
A. Board of Education Goals, Ideas, Future Planning
9. Adjournments
Motion to Adjourn by Alicia Baumler, 2nd by Staci Kuboushek. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:41PM.
Closing Prayer -All-Our Father
Meeting Minutes
Date: 9/17/2024
Time: emailed at 7:00pm
Attendees: Father Huber, Wally Witt, Nikki Brodbeck, Alicia Baumler, Angie Einck, Staci Kuboushek, Regan Becker, Nicole Brodbeck, Jenny Schrandt (remote)
Representatives Present: Kristin Kriener, Deb Schmelzer
Guests Present: Emily Elsbernd
The regular meeting of the St. Teresa of Calcutt School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 7:00PM.
Opening Prayer
1.Special Guest - Emily Elsbernd, Faith Formation Coordinator
- Catholicity - Service opportunities, leaders in faith
- Minimum Expectations
- Strengths and areas of growth - meeting expectations, areas for growth or improvement and areas for development
- Studio 3:16 - Supplemental curriculum; to potentially be implemented in the future.
2. CCC Advisory Committee (report given by Deb Schmelzer)
- Kitchen project update - almost complete; waiting on ceiling lights.
- Review Financial Reports - Successful Drive Thru supper in August and Culver's donation in September.
3. Heather Bullerman Request
- T.E.A.C.H Early Childhood Iowa Scholarship and Compensation Program.
- Requesting support as she furthers her education
Tabled until Heather can be present to give more information and answer questions from the Board.
4. Consent Agenda
- August Minutes
- End of Year Report (EOY)
- Hire of Steve Aswegan, Part-time Custodian, Calmar
- Hire of Mark Winings, Part-time Custodian, Ossian
Motion to approve Consent Agenda by Alicia Baumler, 2nd by Nicole Brodbeck. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
5. Financial Reports
- School Financial Report
- Hot Lunch Financial Report
- Savings Summary
- Golf Outing Summary
- Explanation of Report
Motion to approve Financial Reports by Alicia Baumler, 2nd by Staci Kuboushek. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
6. Principal Updates
- Staffing
- Enrollment
- Local Tuition Assistance
7. Old Business
- Bathroom Update - near completion
- Kindergarten Room - updates completed
- Angie's PS Room - updates completed
- Satisfaction Survey (respect) - Still in process; will send out surveys at a future date.
8. New Business
- Leadership light
- Thoughts from this document where shared
- Scholarship Models
- Raise option
- Bonus option
- TEACH pays compensation option
- Operational Vitality Minimum Expectations
- Administrative Professional Plan 24-25
- Operational Vitality Rubric
- Mission & Vision
- Review our found at the top of this document
- Find three other Catholic School Mission & Vision Statements - will address at next meeting
- compare and contrast
9. Communication needed to stakeholders
10. Next meeting topics
- T.E.A.C.H Scholarship models
- Employee Benefits
11. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn by Nicole Brodbeck, 2nd by Regan Becker. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:59pm
Closing Prayer - All - Our Father
The board and Mrs. Kriener toured the Ossian campus (school and daycare center). General discussion of improvements, wants and needs ensued.
Meeting Minutes
Date: 10/15/2024
Time: 7:00pm
Attendees: Walter Witt, Nikki Brodbeck, Angie Einck, Regan Becker, Jenny Schrandt
Representatives Present: Kristin Kriener, Deb Schmelzer, Sarah Brincks
Guests Present: Heather Bullerman, Angie McIntyre
The regular meeting of the St. Teresa of Calcutt School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 7:00PM.
Opening Prayer - All - Our Father
1.Special Guest - Heather Bullerman
- T.E.A.C.H Iowa Scholarship Application and Compensation Program
- Requests support to further her education
- BT2 Option - School pays 20% of tuition and books
Motion made by Nikki Brodbeck to approve the T.E.A.C.H BT2 option, 2nd by Regan Becker. All in favor. None opposed. Motion Carried
2. CCC Advisory Committee (report given by Sarah Brincks)
- Fundraiser update - Cattleman's Drive-Thru Supper and Culver's. Fundraiser Night were very successful
- Staff is needed in various positions
- Childcare Solutions Program - Program is still in the developmental phase. IT would assist with wages, bonuses, facility enhancements, etc.
3. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of September Minutes
b. Personnel Updates
1. Kenda Franzen - Part-Time Library Aide (Ossian)
2. Barb Bohach - Part-Time Reading Interventionist (Spillville)
Motion to approve Consent Agenda by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Jenny Schrandt. All in favor. None opposed. Motion Carried
4. Principal Updates
5. Financial Reports
a. School Financial Report
Motion to approve Financial Reports by Regan Becker, 2nd by Nikki Brodbeck. All in favor. None opposed. Motion Carried.
6. Old Business
a. Scholarship Models
1. Raise Option
2. Bonus Option
3. T.E.A.C.H pays compensation option
b. Operational Vitality Minimum Expectations
1. Operational Vitality Rubric
2. Mission & Vision
1. Review ours found at the top of this document
2. Compared and contrasted ours with area Catholic Schools. No changes were made and the Board was in agreement that ours are still relevant and adequately define our mission and values.
c. Continue work on facility study
7. New Business
a. Staff Meals for Parent-Teacher Conferences
1. Angie to create sign-up which will be shared online.
2. Monetary donations will also be accepted to cover meals
b. ISASP Test Results - Assessment results shared.
c. FAST Test Results
d. Update from Finance Committee Meeting
8. Communication needed to stakeholders
9. Next meeting topics
a. Employee Benefits
10. Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn by Nikki Brodbeck, 2nd by Angie Einck. All in Favor. None opposed. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:28 PM.
Closing Prayer - All - Hail Mary
Meeting Minutes
Date: 11/19/2024
Time: 7:00pm
Attendees: Walter Witt, Nikki Brodbeck, Angie Einck, Regan Becker, Jenny Schrandt, Alicia Baumler, Darcy Einck, Rev. Henry Hauber, Staci Kuboushek.
Representatives Present: Kristin Kriener, Deb Schmelzer, Megan Hackman
Guests Present: Kayla Bucheit
The regular meeting of the St. Teresa of Calcutt School Board was called to order by Walter Witt at 7:03PM.
Opening Prayer - All - Our Father
- CCC Update
- Megan Presented the budget along with the projected budget
- Additional grants being pursued
- Reimbursement requested for the 50% school staff discount
- Wage increase proposed for full & part time staff
- Families on waitlist
- Not at capacity, could take on more children with added employees
- Review Financial Reports
- Megan Presented the budget along with the projected budget
Motion to approve wage increase for Daycare Center employees $1.25/hour increase for full time and $.50/hour increase for part time by Alicia Baumler, 2nd by Reagan Becker. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
2. Special Guest: Kayla Bucheit
- Presented Archdiocese Academic Rubric
- Outlined areas where the school is developing and effective and plans in place to reach the exceed expectations standard
- MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) Framework presented
- Expectations from the Archdiocese
- Presented Archdiocese Academic Rubric
3. Consent Agenda
- October Minutes
- Lau Plan
- 504 Handbook
- Hannah Paul working at CCC and before/after school program
Motion to approve consent agenda by Alicia Baumler, 2nd by Jenny Schrandt. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
4. Financial Reports
- School
- Hot Lunch
Motion to approve the Finacial Reports by Regan Becker, 2nd by Angie Einck. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
5. Principal Updates
- Conferences were all attended
- Preparations for the Magic of Christmas are underway
- All Saints Day and Red Ribbon week were successful in engaging students, deepening discussions and making lasting impressions.
6. Old Business
- Employee Benefits
Motion to keep health insurance benefits unchanged (Plan 5 for full subsidy), eliminate benefit dollars, and offer up to 3% 401K match of employee salary by Waler Witt, 2nd by Regan Becker. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
Motion to charge Daycare Center employees for lunch meals at the student rate by Walter Witt, 2nd by Jenny Schrandt. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
Motion to eliminate 50% daycare discount to staff members beginning July 1, 2025 by Walter Witt, 2nd by Regan Becker. All in favor. Non opposed. Motion carried.
Motion to remove 6 weeks paid maternity/paternity leave to align with FMLA. Beginning with the date of birth of a child or adoption, a father may use up to ten (10) days from the sick leave bank as paternity leave. These days can be used anytime during the first fourteen (14) weeks after the delivery date or adoption date. Walter Witt, 2nd by Darcy Einck. All in favor. None opposed.
2. Fundraising
1. Market Mania participation was low; fundraising goal was not met
2. Holiday Scrip Contest has started and will continue until December 20th
3. Expand Preschool program in Calmar
1. Tabled until more discussions are had; Jenny to spearhead and talk to St. Al's Parish and Angie McIntyre
7. New Business
- School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) meeting-November 20, 2024 11:00am.
8. Communication needed to stakeholders
9. Next meeting topics
10. Adjournment
Motion to adjour by Angie Einck, 2nd by Darcy Einck. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 9:08PM.
Closing Prayer-Father Huber